You must be at least 16 years of age, a U.S. Citizen and be willing to make a percentage of total alarms, training and meetings. If you are under the age of 18 you must have written consent of his/her parents or guardian, and an employment certificate, work permit, or other necessary working papers to be eligible for membership
You must also......
Pass a Department Medical Exam Pass an Arson Investigation. All applicants must meet the medical requirements as set forth by the Pearl River Fire District to be classified as an interior firefighter.
In Person:
Stop-by the Firehouse between the hours of 7pm and 9 pm any Thursday night or the first Monday of the month to fill out an application.
By Calling:
845-735-6584. Ask to speak to Captain Smellegar or a Lieutenant to set up a meeting time.
All applications will be read off at the next monthly meeting after submission. Monthly meetings are usually the first Monday of each month.
The following are some interesting facts an figures about the volunteer firefighters who serve our communities across the United States.